
Staff @ Ilford Campus

Carl Stychin


Carl Stychin


Non-executive member of Board of Governance

Carl Stychin, BA (Alberta), JD (Toronto), LLM (Columbia), LLD (Reading), is Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Professor of Law in the School of Advanced Study, University of London. He began his academic career at Keele University (Lecturer, 1992-96; Senior Lecturer, 1996-98) before moving to the University of Reading as a Professor of Law in 1998. During fourteen years at Reading, he served as Head of the School of Law, Dean of the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, and Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Enterprise). He then served as Dean of The City Law School, City, University of London (2012-18). Professor Stychin is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and Editor of Social & Legal Studies: An International Journal. He is a former Chair of the Committee of Heads of University Law Schools (CHULS).

Role: Non-executive member of Board of Governance.

Main employment: Director of the Institute of Advanced Legal Studies and Professor of Law School of Advanced Study, University of London.

Conflict of Interest: Lay Member of the Governance Board, Patent Examination Board, Chartered Institute of Patent Attorneys / Non-Executive Director, NCUK (Northern Consortium) Ltd / Independent Education Advisor, Costs Lawyer Standards Board /Editor: Social and Legal Studies / Lay Member of Education Visitors Panels, General Optical Council / Member, Irish Research Council Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Inner Assessment Board /External Examiner, University of Bristol, School of Law / Lead Assessor, Office for Students / Accreditation and Recognition Panel Lay Member, General Pharmaceutical Council /Trustee, British and Irish Legal Information Institute. 

Immediate* family connections in NCL: None.