Disability and Care Experienced
Although the College is not obliged to make reasonable adjustments in relation to the application of a Competence Standard, it will always consider adjustments to help students to reach the standard.
If an applicant / student requires individual adjustments, they must register with the Disability Support Team and provide appropriate evidence. It is a responsibility of an applicant / student to obtain appropriate medical or psychological evidence and submit it to the College.
The College will make reasonable adjustments for applicants / students with disability, long term medical condition or specific learning difficulty only after suitable evidence has been received.
Such adjustments will arise from an identified need relating to the relevant disability, which will be determined during the one to one meeting with the Disability Support Officer and with support of evidence submitted by the applicant / student.
The College relies on the recommendations from the professionals / specialists included in the medical or psychological evidence or in an Assessment of Study Needs and Study Strategies Report (part of the Disabled Students’ Allowances claim) when determining the most appropriate adjustments for the person concerned.
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Acceptable evidence:
- Must not be more than three months old at the date of submission to the College
- Must be written by a medical or suitably qualified professional / specialist
- Must be written in accessible English (no technical medical diagnosis)
- Should, wherever possible, identify specific areas of difficulty in relation to study related problems
- Report (for specific learning difficulties) must contain a clear diagnosis – full psychological diagnostic assessment report
The College will always consider requests for adjustments and accepts that student’s requirements may change during their course of study due to changes in their condition.
The College will consider all requests for adjustments and provide reasonable adjustments whenever possible, however some adjustments may not be practical to implement or some adjustments may have a detrimental effect on other students.
Also, if student requests that information about their disability is not shared with others, this may limit the ability of the Disability Support Team to put particular adjustments in place.
Applicants / students with disability are encouraged to contact the Disability Support Team as early as possible so that appropriate support can be arranged.
Care Experienced:
The College recognises the challenges faced by care experienced when entering higher education. We are committed to supporting students who have experienced care at any stage of their lives while they are at 911³Ô¹Ï.
The definition of a care-experienced is anyone who, at any stage in their life, for any length of time before the age of 18:
- Has been in care, which includes foster care or living in a residential care home or
- Is from a looked-after background including adopted children who were previously looked after.
Although students up until the age of 25 have the support of a personal advisor allocated by their local authority, the College will provide the same level of support. To find details of your local authority please visit your .
Care experienced students may be eligible for the following support at each stage of the student lifecycle at the College:
- A pre-sessional induction event
- On-Course Support
- Care Leavers Bursary
- One to one sessions with the Student Welfare Officer
- Support on progression opportunities
- To see if you are eligible to the Bursary Package please visit our Financial Support.